Indigenous and Frontier Technology Research Centre       IFTR  

Design, Develop and Disseminate technologies for the masses






Workshop on sources and impacts of antibiotics and human settlements on freshwaters

IIT Madras, IGCS premises in the Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences,

6th December 2018.


The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts on the general topic of water quality and human health. Their knowledge from different disciplines will be combined to focus more specifically on pollution like antibiotics in e.g. the Kaveri River and its impact on the ecosystem and on humans.


The intention is to find locations with high human impacts (e.g. industry, tourism, wastewater treatment plant, agriculture, and aquaculture) and those with less influence and more natural river stretches or other freshwaters.

Output ideas are being refined for a mutual Indo-German proposal.